Tuesday, July 24, 2012


  • Walmart’s intentionally low wages force employees to need approximately $420,000 per year, per store, totalling $2.66 BILLION annually in food stamps and other taxpayer assistance…to survive.
  • Walmart’s intentionally low wages cost the country HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of dollars in payroll tax deductions for Federal, State, and Local taxes.
  • Walmart’s intentionally low wages cost our communities the ability to hire and retain important public service workers like firefighters, police officers, maintenance workers, and teachers.
  • Walmart’s intentionally low wages cost our communities with their increased need for those same public services they are underfunding.
  • Walmart’s intentionally low wages and lack of covered benefits cost taxpayers over $1.02 BILLION a year in healthcare costs.
  • Walmart’s intentionally low wages cost taxpayers as much as $225 MILLION in free and reduced price lunches for school-age children.
  • Walmart’s intentionally low wages cost taxpayers over $780 MILLION in tax deductions for low-income families
  • That’s right–Walmart pays its employees dirt, reaps enormous profits, forces its employees to enroll in social programs like food stamps, and then profits even further as its employees and all the other Americans still recovering from the economic abortion caused by the Walmarts of the world spend their food stamps. But why bother introducing legislation that seeks to impose severe fines on multibillion dollar corporations who line their pockets at the expense of taxpayers by refusing to pay their employees fair wages when it’s just so much easier to kill the poor.
  • By

Monday, July 16, 2012

The Strongsville Post Newspaper

Small businesses are not all the same. The Strongsville Post is a free newspaper that is delivered to all of the residents in the area. Their advertisment department is ready to take your money, but not ready to perform their jobs. After paying them more than $1,000.00 we never received any calls of any service that they promised to deliver. I complained about every facet of the terrible service that we received and The publisher/owners answer was to blackball me and tell me that I was being "abusive" to his employees.

So, just like all GOP right wing conservative businesses and rich corporate theives, the Owner of The Post can just throw me to the curb, not uphold their promises and continue to use and abuse the small guys so they can sit at the cool table.

Shame on you Post Newspaper. You don't even deserve to call yourself a newspaper.